Friday, March 11, 2011

and baaack to the challenge

Day 3 : A picture of the cast from your favorite tv show
So many favorite tv shows!
But my two most favorite would be...

So You Think You Can Dance

I've only started watching it like 2 seasons ago, but I got hooked.
I started watching it with my girl, Emily.
And we even have insiders with the show...
like have you noticed how when they're dancing for their life, and when their time is up and it says... "so you think you can DANCE, DANCE, DANCE!", they dance to that part it's hilarous!

It probably isn't funny to anyone else but me or Em, but I die laughing every time I see them dance to the voice at the end.

but here's some of my favorite dances from the show..

Lauren and Twitch- My Chick Bad

This one make me wish I could dance like this.

Melissa and Ade- This Woman's Work
This one made me cry. I loooove it.

Alex and Twitch- Outta Your Mind
I think this is probably a classic favorite of most people. It's pretty legit, if I do say so myself.

Then my other favorite TV show would be..

How I Met Your Mother

haha so legendary...


  1. haha!! I just watched "My chick bad" this morning as i daydreamed of one day being good and dancing like that. And i have a crush on Barney Stinson.

  2. Aaaah So You Think You Can Dance is amazing!! I'm obsessed. I loved Bleeding Love a few seasons back, it gives me goosebumps every time!

    And I love How I Met Your Mother, but I kinda got a little sad when I found out how gay Barney is in real life.

  3. Kristi!!! Have you watched the bed dance with twitch?! oh my goodness, i'm so in love with him.. :D
