Friday, November 18, 2011

I'm On a Craft High.

I have been wanting to post about pick your plum for 
quite some time now... and I just have not gotten around to it. 

Now that they are having a contest on who has "the biggest mouth",
I figure... why not just share how awesome they are now! 
They post a cutesy craft supply every day for a SLAMMIN' deal. 
Seriously, I want to buy what they have pretty much every day. 
buuuuttt, I think Shannon would not be too thrilled if I was 
rollin' in random craft supplies every day but not rollin'
in the dough as well. My friend, Becca, and I bought
some cute earrings over the summer from PYP,
and I just bought some stuff last week, but I can't really say what it is
 because I'm using it to make it for gifts for my girlfriends!

Here are just a few things that they have sold in the past...
and they give you so many ideas of what you can do for crafting and such, with whatever they are selling that day. 

sooo, you should go check them out. ---> (here)
ANNNDDD, please go here and like their facebook page so I can be the
Plus, you should go enter the contest too! 

Anyway, I have craved crafting and 
making fun things for the past few weeks. 
I made these for ladies I visit taught yesterday. 
I'm definitely still an amateur at being crafty, but I'm working on it. 

The next few things that I want to make over Thanksgiving break are...
Wouldn't this be the coolest christmas tree?! ya, I thought so.
I really really want to attempt to make it.
Wreath #1

Wreath #2

Wreath #3

Wreath #4

Whoever wants to give suggestions one which wreath I should try 
is more than welcome to. I'm a pretty indecisive person, 
so you can help me out :)


  1. Cute! How did you make your little Thanksgiving treats?

  2. Thanks Ash! I think that or the argyle one is cheapest to do too!

    Dyan, I will show you! I got the idea off of pinterest. I want to do some crafty things are thanksgiving and I want you to do them with me. You down?
