Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dedicated To My Mama

Today is my mom's birthday.
She would have been 48.
I miss her, a lot. a lot a lot.
I wish she could be here. in person. so she could see the accomplishments my siblings and I have made. She was one of those people that would freak out and be super excited for you just for getting a good grade on a test. I could talk to her about anything. really. she knew a lot. I know lots of people who thought she was too much of a friend than a mom, and they believed she needed to be more of a parent, but I would have to disagree. She was perfect the way she was and did the best she could raising 4 kids on her own.

I wish she could have been at my wedding and seen how sexy of a man I snagged. The only thing I think would have made Shannon a little hotter to her would be if he rode a motorcycle. She loved motorcyclists. a lot.

I love these pictures of Parker and Josh dancing with her at the wedding

Another thing that I loved most about her was that she was a go-getter, she was strong, she never gave up, and she was never a complainer.
If anyone knows someone who had cancer and had to get chemotherapy, one of the hardest things is losing the hair. My mama held her head high after she shaved her head, never wore a wig or hats or anything. She had so much courage. I don't think I could ever just walk around without having something to cover up being bald.

Some pictures from after the chemo..

this was as she was getting the rest shaved off so she didn't have to keep seeing it fall out.

All my aunts and uncles who have been there and have helped me through anything.
I honestly love being a member of this family.
Then this was a few days before she passed away. with our dog, Piper.
that was one of the only things she wanted in the last few days was to see our dog. ya, random I know, but Pi was really a total member of the family. Then, Piper died about
3 months after my mom, so she's with her now.

In two weeks, it will have been 3 years since she passed away.
I hope when I'm a mother, I'm half as amazing as she was.

"A mother is she who can take the place of all others
but whose place no one else can take." - Cardinal Mermillod


  1. seriously amazing. seriously such a gorgeous mom.

  2. I loved your Mom so much! She was such a good example to you guys. She must have learned it from her Mom who was a great woman also. Time has a way of marching on and while the pain is somewhat less, we still have our memories.

    June will be 3 years since my mother passed away. I know your pain and emptiness.

    Love you Kristi, Aunt Robie.

  3. thank you for sharing that, Kristi. She is absolutely gorgeous and her light shines so strongly through her smile. I have no doubt that she is SO proud of you!!

  4. Oh that totally made me cry!! What a sweet tribute to your mom.

  5. I loved this, i laughed, i cried, your mom is so great.
